Professional designations
Fellow, Casualty Actuarial Society
Member, American Academy of Actuaries
Current responsibility
Guy is a principal and consulting actuary in the San Francisco office of Milliman. He is responsible for casualty actuarial consulting practices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle.
Guy has substantial experience with many property and liability lines of business, including workers� compensation, professional liability, and contractors liability. The actuarial services he provides his insurance and self-insurance clients include:
Expert witness testimony and litigation support
Statements of actuarial opinion on reserve adequacy for annual statements
Statements of actuarial opinion on rate adequacy for workers� compensation
Reserve and funding level projections for public and private self-insureds
Cost allocations
Cost/benefit analysis of various reinsurance and excess insurance options
Captive feasibility studies
Legislative change analysis
Rate, form, and class plan analyses and filings
Probability level and present value analyses
Retrospective rating and large deductible pricing
Actuarial Committee Workers� Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California
Casualty Loss Reserves Seminar Committee; Chair (2001)
CAS Examination Committee
California Insurance Council/City of Hope
American Academy of Actuaries Casualty Practice Council
Participated in the Milliman international exchange program; spent nine months working with Milliman's affiliates in London and Madrid
Presentations and publications
Guy is a frequent speaker at local, national, and international seminars on loss reserving, ratemaking, and reinsurance topics.
BS, Mathematics/Applied Science, University of California at Los Angeles |