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Profile of Hallstein Moerk

Hallstein Moerk

Exec. VP, Human Resources - Nokia Corp.
Hallstein Moerk Email :
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Company Name : Nokia Corp.
Company Website : www.nokia.com
Company Address : 6000 Connection Dr.
, Irving, TX,
United States,
Hallstein Moerk Profile :
Exec. VP, Human Resources - Nokia Corp.
Hallstein Moerk Biography :

As Executive Vice President, Hallstein Moerk has global responsibility for all human resources activity including employee development, management and leadership development, compensation, benefits, staffing and global diversity.He also acts as the 'hosting manager' for Workplace Resources. This role involves helping Workplace Resources achieve their goals by being a discussion partner for WR Vice President Mark Tamburro and his leadership team.

He accepted the position of Senior Vice President in 1999 after a 22-year career at Hewlett-Packard. There he moved through various positions from Controller, Hewlett-Packard A/S Norway, to Managing Director, European Multicountry Region. Prior to this Hallstein held different positions at Texas Instruments in Denmark and Norway.

Hallstein has been a member of the Group Executive Board of Nokia since 2004.

He holds a "Diplomekonom" degree from the Norwegian School of Management.

Hallstein was born on September 26, 1953, in Halden, Norway. He is married and has three children. In his spare time, he enjoys sailing and outdoor activities especially in the rough Scandinavian terrain.

Hallstein Moerk Colleagues :
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