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Profile of Hany Fangar

Hany Fangar

Partner - McDermott Will & Emery LLP
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Company Name : McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Company Website : www.mwe.com
Company Address : 28 State St.
, Boston, MA,
United States,
Hany Fangar Profile :
Partner - McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Hany Fangar Biography :

Hany S. Fangary is a partner in the Environmental Group of McDermott Will & Emery LLP, based in the firm's Los Angeles Office. As a member of the Trial Department, Hany focuses his practice in complex environmental litigation, regulatory compliance and toxic torts. He also represents clients in various environmental enforcement actions, including administrative proceedings and private party cost recovery actions.

Hany has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, and more than seven years of environmental engineering experience. Prior to joining the Firm, Hany served as environmental project manager for Mobil Oil Corporation. In that position, he managed environmental assessment and remediation, working with governmental agencies including the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA), the California State and Regional Water Quality Control Boards, as well as numerous local agencies.

Hany presently serves on the Firm�s recruiting committee. He is admitted to practice in California, and is a member of the Environmental Law Section and the Litigation Section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association.

Solid Waste Litigation

Hany has represented an array of industrial and commercial clients in environmental litigation and transactional matters. Represented a major company on its responsibility for multi-million dollar cleanup costs of a large solid waste disposal facility in an action brought by several state agencies within the Cal EPA. Represented the same entity in negotiations with the U.S. EPA regarding responsibility and cleanup costs for the same property. Represented the same entity in defending six class action lawsuits brought by area residents alleging personal injuries and injuries to personal and real property allegedly caused by exposure to toxic contaminants emanating from the same property.

Air Quality Litigation

Hany also counsels industrial clients regarding compliance with air quality regulations and in negotiations with regulatory agencies relating to air quality compliance issues. He has been involved in extensive negotiations relating to air quality compliance issues, resulting in favorable settlements with the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the San Diego Air Pollution Control District.

Hany currently represents several industrial clients in actions relating to responsibility for environmental assessment and cleanup costs of environmentally impacted properties. Represented clients in toxic torts litigation relating to allegations of environmental exposure to various chemicals in the work place. Counsels clients regarding regulatory compliance issues, including compliance with underground storage tank regulations, and compliance with the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, commonly known as Proposition 65.

When evaluating claims or threatened litigation, Hany successfully negotiated, where appropriate, entering into tolling agreements, or stipulating to temporarily stay the litigation, to allow the parties an opportunity to investigate the environmental conditions at issue, and attempt to reach an expedient, amicable resolution to the claims at issue. Through this approach, he has been successful in negotiating several settlements prior to commencement of litigation, or at the preliminary stages of litigation, thus avoiding or minimizing the litigation related expenses.


Loyola Law School-Los Angeles, J.D., 1997

California State University - Pomona, B.A., 1989

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