Henry Blissenbach currently serves as President of OspreyHealth, Inc., a pharmacy consulting and investment company. Prior to his current position, he served as Chief Executive Officer of BioScrip, Inc., a health care company specializing in prescription drug services. Before that, he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chronimed, Inc., a prescription drug company specializing in medications for individuals with low incidence diseases, including those treated with biotech injectables, post transplant medications, and people with HIV/AIDS. Prior to that, he was President of Diversified Pharmaceutical Services, a pharmacy benefit management subsidiary of United HealthGroup, Inc. He continued his advocacy and support of Opportunity Partners by placing several clients in positions at Diversified, Chronimed and BioScrip. He holds a doctorate in pharmacy and an academic appointment at the U of M College of Pharmacy. He is a past member of the Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association�s board of directors, and is a founding father of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. He is Vice Chairman of the Opportunity Partners Board of Directors and serves on the Finance Committee. |