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Profile of Howie Kleinberg

Howie Kleinberg

Sr. VP - Electric Artists
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Company Name : Electric Artists
Company Website : www.electricartists.com
Company Address : 42 Bond St.
3rd Fl., New York, NY,
United States,
Howie Kleinberg Profile :
Sr. VP - Electric Artists
Howie Kleinberg Biography :

Howie Kleinberg is the Senior Vice President of ElectricArtists, recognized as a leading agency for digital marketing and strategy in the media and entertainment sectors. Under his direction Howie has helped guide the firm from its initial base in the music business into a company that now has a diverse base of clients throughout the media and entertainment sector. What was known as solely a music marketing company has transformed into a media and entertainment company, which handles a vast array of clients in all areas including Television, Music, Movies, publishing, DVDs and video games. Howie has guided the company's marketing efforts, orchestrating creative campaigns for numerous media and entertainment clients. Recent clients and campaigns include USA Network: Monk, Psych, The 4400 and Nashville Star. The History Channel: Dark Ages. A&E Network: Dog: The Family Speaks, King of Cars. Comedy Central: Dane Cook, Lewis Black. Sony/BMG: Teddy Geiger, David Gilmour, Pink Floyd and Anna Nalick. Upcoming highlights include 7 of USA Network's top tier projects in 2007 including some of it's biggest series launches in the 1st Qtr; MONK,PSYCH and Nashville Star, A&Es Sons of Hollywood, WWE�s WrestleMania 23 and Netflix Oscar Quotes, You deliver the line, Netflix will deliver the movies campaign. Brand campaigns include Netflix, WWE, Microsoft, Clorox and Best Buy. <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> Responsibilities include strategic planning, business development, marketing and a vast array of clients including The History Channel, USA Network, A&E, SonyBMG, Horizon, 4 Kids Entertainment, Nettwerk Management, AMC etc. Howie joined ElectricArtists in October 2000. Prior to joining ElectricArtists, Howie held a senior position in marketing and artist development for five years at W&R Group/DV8 Records(Grammy Award winning producer Ric Wake's venture), a senior marketing and promotion position at What Are Records? Was the press coordinator for the first H.O.R.D.E. Festival, (Phish, Widespread Panic, Spin Doctors, and Blues Traveler). Howie also played an integral part in tour marketing for the H.O.R.D.E. Festival in its second, third and fourth summers. Immediately following college at Fairleigh Dickinson University, Howie began working with Music Unlimited, a division of Bill Graham Presents.

Howie Kleinberg Colleagues :
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Marc Schiller

CEO, Co - Founder Please login

Terry Goldman

Sr. Account Exec. Please login

Claire Hyland

Sr. Account Exec., Brand Strategist Please login

Crystal Stephens

Sr. Account Exec. Please login

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