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Profile of Hugh Sharber

Hugh Sharber

Attorney Member - Miller & Martin LLP
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Company Name : Miller & Martin LLP
Company Website : www.millermartin.com
Company Address : 1170 Peachtree St.
NE, Atlanta, GA,
United States,
Hugh Sharber Profile :
Attorney Member - Miller & Martin LLP
Hugh Sharber Biography :

Hugh Sharber practices business law with an emphasis on securities transactions and mergers and acquisitions. He has advised numerous clients on securities offerings, including initial public offerings of common stock, secondary public offerings of common stock, senior subordinated note and convertible senior note offerings under Rule 144A followed by registered exchange offerings and transactions involving the issuance of registered common stock to acquire publicly and privately held companies and has handled numerous private placements of securities. He has handled many acquisitions and sales of businesses, including the following recent transactions: � The purchase of five consumer product lines for over $400 million. The sale of a group of nine psychiatric and behavioral treatment facilities for over $95 million � A recapitalization of a brewery restaurant company valued at over $55 million � The sale of a window and door manufacturer for over $23 million � The sale of a home health business for over $18 million He has also represented clients in the following recent securities transactions: � Separate offerings of $125 million and $100 million of convertible senior notes � The offering of $200 million of debt securities consisting of floating rate senior notes and fixed rate senior subordinate notes Mr. Sharber has written and spoken on various topics involving business law, including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, venture capital investing, joint venture and business alliances and negotiating tactics. Practice Groups Securities Mergers, Acquisitions & Business Transactions High Growth & Emerging Companies Education J.D., with Honors, The University of Tennessee College of Law, 1984 Tennessee Law Review, Assistant Editor B.A., magna cum laude, The University of the South, 1980 Phi Beta Kappa Civic and Charitable Activities Member, City of Chattanooga Access to Capital Task Force Advisory Board, Member, Chattanooga Opportunity Fund Member, Board of Directors, Chattanooga Community Development Financial Institution Member, Board of Trustees, The University of the South Member, Chattanooga Rotary Club Former Senior Warden, St. Paul's Episcopal Church.

Hugh Sharber Colleagues :
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Evan Allison

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