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Profile of Ioan Iacob

Ioan Iacob

CTO - Recognos Inc.
Ioan Iacob Email :
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Company Name : Recognos Inc.
Company Website : www.recognos.com
Company Address : 1010 B St.
Ste. 209, San Rafael, CA,
United States,
Ioan Iacob Profile :
CTO - Recognos Inc.
Ioan Iacob Biography :

Mr. Ioan Iacob grew up in Targu Mures, Romania, and graduated from the "Transylvania" Technical University Brasov, Romania. After working as a researcher in Romania and as a computer journalist for the former "BYTE" magazine he enroled as a visiting lecturer at the Computer Science department at "Petru Maior" University of Targu Mures. In parallel he was working as Chief Architect for a Netherlands based software company that developed software for major financial institutions like: Amsterdam Stock Exchange, ING Barrings, ABN Amro, Rabo Bank etc. For a while he worked in Switzerland, Geneva in the filed of Computer Aided Design developing systems for companies like: ABB, General Electric. In 2001 he joined Recognos Romania as a CTO and since 2005 he relocated in USA as CTO for Recognos, Inc. He is the head of development for major systems used in Investments, his main expertise being in the Portfolio Engineering and Trade Order Management. Mr. Iacob is an expert in Distributed Architectures and .NET and JAVA based technologies.

Ioan Iacob Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Romeo MacAria

GM Recognos Romania Please login

Ken Rogers

COO Please login

George Roth

Pres., CEO Please login

Richard Weerts

Pres. Please login

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