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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
Ippei Suzuki
VP, Los Angeles Technology Group
Ippei Suzuki's Email : Please login
Company Name : Takenaka Partners LLC
Company Website : www.takenakapartners.com
Company Address : 60 S. Figueroa St.
Figueroa Tower, Los Angeles, CA,
United States,
Ippei Suzuki's Profile : VP, Los Angeles Technology Group
Ippei Suzuki's Biography :

Mr. Suzuki has nearly 20 years of experience in the IT industry, devoting his career in cross border business development in the international high tech market. His recent 7 years has been in the IT Security market, serving as a business and technology specialist for many US and Japan based companies. Prior to joining Takenaka Partners, Mr. Suzuki held executive positions in various US based IT Security companies both public and private, managing Business Development and Sales operations. In his beginning of his career, he worked in Japan, joining a major Japanese electronics manufacturer. As an international business specialist, he successfully established numerous business deals between Japanese and US companies in both directions, and being fluent in both languages, he helped domestic oriented companies transition into a global operation by spearheading its international market expansion. The most recent is a 7 figure OEM contract between a US security software company and a major Japanese PC manufacturer. Also he represented a leading Japanese wireless communication carrier as their director to perform a technical due diligence to successfully close a $100M investment towards a strategic joint venture. From a technical aspect, Mr. Suzuki is a specialist in a wide array of network security technology, including advanced technology such as encryption, smart cards and biometrics. Mr. Suzuki received a bachelor degree from School of Science and Engineering at Waseda University.

Ippei Suzuki's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Yukuo Takenaka Pres., CEO, Los Angeles, Tokyo Please login
Yoshiko Nakaoki Exec. VP, CFO - Los Angeles Please login
Yoshinobu Fukushima Exec. VP, Los Angeles, Tokyo Please login
Gumpachi Okamoto Exec. VP, Tokyo Real Estate Development Planning Please login
Nobuhiko Suzuki Exec. VP, Tokyo Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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