Prior to joining Phoenix Multicultural, Ms. Yim honed her public relations and research skills at Ruder Finn, the second largest independent public relations agency in the States and Keiro Senior HealthCare, the largest Japanese American senior health care provider in the country. At Ruder Finn, Ms. Yim helped launch Kingdom Hearts, a new video game from the publisher of the Final Fantasy series, Squaresoft. During Ms. Yim�s employment with Keiro, she created a communications plan for its three-year endowment campaign and spearheaded the organization.s public relations efforts. An experienced moderator, Ms. Yim is an alumna of the RIVA Training Institute, an internationally recognized experiential moderator training institution. She has a Master of Arts degree in Public Relations from the USC Annenberg School for Communications and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature from the National Taiwan University |