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Profile of Jaap Goudsmit

Jaap Goudsmit

Chief Scientific Officer - Crucell
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Company Name : Crucell
Company Website : www.crucell.com
Company Address : Archimedesweg 4
, Leiden, ,
Jaap Goudsmit Profile :
Chief Scientific Officer - Crucell
Jaap Goudsmit Biography :

Jaap Goudsmit is Crucell's Chief Scientific Officer and is responsible for all R&D activities. He was our Senior Vice President Vaccine Research from September 2001 till July 2002 and member of our management committee from July 2002 as Executive Vice President Vaccine R&D. Prior to joining Crucell, Dr Goudsmit held various positions at the Academic Medical Center at the University of Amsterdam, and was Chairman of the Research Institute for Infectious Diseases and the Institute for Science Education. Dr Goudsmit has also taught and been a fellow at a number of institutions, such as the National Institutes of Health and New York University. He was founding Chariman of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and the founding Co-Chair of the European Vaccine Effort against HIV/AIDS (EuroVac). In July 2003, Dr Goudsmit was appointed Chairman of the Board of the AIDS Foundation East-West, a NGO focused on AIDS prevention in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Since 1989 he has been a professor at the University of Amsterdam and the Academic Medical Center. He holds a medical degree and a PhD from the University of Amsterdam.

Dr Goudsmit is a member of the Management Board.

Jaap Goudsmit Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Rene Beukema

General Counsel, Corp. Sec. Please login

Sean Lance

Member - Supervisory Board Please login

Claes Wilhelmsson

Member - Supervisory Board Please login

Ronald Brus

Pres., CEO Please login

Phillip Satow

Member - Supervisory Board Please login

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