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Profile of Jack Harrod

Jack Harrod

COO - Manhattan Scientifics Inc.
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Company Name : Manhattan Scientifics Inc.
Company Website : www.mhtx.com
Company Address : The Chrysler Bldg.
32nd Fl., New York, NY,
United States,
Jack Harrod Profile :
COO - Manhattan Scientifics Inc.
Jack Harrod Biography :

Jack Harrod joined Manhattan Scientifics, Inc. as Chief Operating Officer (COO) in August 1998. He leads the Company's research and development strategy and is tasked with finding, evaluating, and launching new business opportunities related to those technologies.

Before joining Manhattan Scientifics, Harrod worked for Texas Instruments (TI) for 32 years in a variety of leadership positions. As an executive vice president, he led TI's Corporate Venture Projects organization that included managing the Digital Imaging activity from its inception in 1992 as an entrepreneurial venture to initial production. That venture was set up to develop and exploit the Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) to initial production and market introduction of products based on the resulting Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology. Harrod accomplished this by setting up a worldwide network of partnerships and alliances that, along with his own organization, allowed first-to-market product (SVGA) performance and helped provide the basis for TI's market position today.

The technologies developed to commercialization under Harrod's direction won numerous prizes for innovation including the Eduard Rheim Technology Award, PC Magazine's New Peripheral Product of the Year Award, the Academy of Motion Picture Awards "Oscar", and others.

Jack Harrod Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Scott Bach

General Counsel, Corp. Sec. Please login

Tom Anderson

Unit Leader Please login

Arthur Lipper

Science, Business Advisory Board Please login

Marvin Maslow

Founder, Chmn. Please login

Martin Cooper

Science, Business Advisory Board Please login

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