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Profile of James Conlon

James Conlon

Principal - Consulting Actuary - Milliman USA Inc.
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Company Name : Milliman USA Inc.
Company Website : www.milliman.com
Company Address : 1301 5th Ave.
Ste. 3800, Seattle, WA,
United States,
James Conlon Profile :
Principal - Consulting Actuary - Milliman USA Inc.
James Conlon Biography :

Professional designations

Fellow, Society of Actuaries

Member, American Academy of Actuaries

Current responsibility

Jim is a principal and consulting actuary with the Albany office of Milliman. He is responsible for assisting employers, trust funds, and insurance companies with control of healthcare costs, benefit design issues, strategic planning, and consulting on health and welfare plans.

Jim is involved in ongoing consulting with several Taft-Hartley welfare funds in all phases of benefit design and analysis of health claims experience, preparation for labor-management collective bargaining, negotiations with carriers on rates, and assessment of the impact of compliance with benefits laws.


Jim was the supervising actuary and lead consultant for Milliman's work with an insurance group in the building and marketing of an HMO. He was instrumental in the development and operations of two Taft-Hartley Healthcare Coalitions and is currently a key player in a national coalition movement encompassing nine coalitions covering 13 states.

He has experience in pricing and development of group health coverages, including the pricing and design of managed care programs; the design and pricing of self-insured plans; the determination of reserves, self-pay rates, eligibility rules, and COBRA premiums for self-administered/self-insured plans; and the design and implementation of reporting systems.


Member of the Health Care Coalition Committee of the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

Adjunct faculty member of Siena College

Presentations and publications

Jim has been a frequent speaker at meetings of the International Foundation of Employee Benefits Conference, the Actuarial Society of New York, the New York Employee Benefits Conference, and the Adirondack Actuaries Club.


MS, Actuarial Science, College of Business Administration, Georgia State University

James Conlon Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Noel Abkemeier

Principal - Consulting Actuary Please login

Michael Abroe

Principal - Consulting Actuary Please login

Ryo Adachi

Consultant Please login

John Agogliati

Principal Please login

Edwin Akwenuke

Principal - Pension Consultant Please login

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