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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
James Rosenfield
Sr. Advisor
James Rosenfield's Email : Please login
Company Name : TeleCorp's Communications LLC
Company Website : www.telecorps.com
Company Address : 1161 Harbison Ct.
, Indianapolis, IN,
United States,
James Rosenfield's Profile : Sr. Advisor
James Rosenfield's Biography :

Mr. Rosenfield is President of JHR & Associates, consultants to traditional media, interactive media, communications and entertainment companies. He is on the boards of Globalvision, New Media, Inc. and Salon Media Group, Inc. and is Non-executive Chairman of SeeThatAgain.com. Prior to setting up his own firm, he was with Veronis, Suhler & Associates, investment bankers, where he served as a Managing Director for four years, specializing in electronic media and entertainment companies. Before that, he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of John Blair Communications, Inc., a leading television rep firm, which he acquired in 1987 with Saratoga Partners/Dillon Reed, and SIFCORP, London, England, as financial partners. From 1965 until 1985, Mr. Rosenfield held various sales and senior management positions at CBS, Inc., starting as an Account Executive in the Television Network sales department and eventually rising to President of the CBS Television Network, responsible for Sales, Affiliate Relations, Operations, Engineering and Finance. When he left CBS, Mr. Rosenfield was CBS/Broadcast Group Senior Executive Vice President, responsible for all broadcast activities, both network and station. Mr. Rosenfield is a member of the board and past Chairman of the Advertising Council, past President of the International Radio and Television Society, a member of The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, and a trustee of the Entertainment Industries Council, Inc. He is also a lifetime fellow of the International Council of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

James Rosenfield's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Robert McConnell CEO Please login
David Carfolite Exec. VP - Business Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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