James J. Byrne has served as a director of the Company since 1990. He has been Chairman of Byrne Technology Partners, Ltd., a firm that provides interim management at the CEO and senior executive levels for high technology companies, since 1995. Mr. Byrne assists his clients by assuming executive responsibility with their investments and in that regard served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of OpenConnect Systems Incorporated, a developer of computer software products, from 1999 to 2001. Mr. Byrne currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer and as a Board member of the Entrepreneurs Foundation of North Texas, an organization that promotes community involvement and philanthropy with emerging technology companies. Prior to his current roles, he held a number of positions in the technology industry including President of Harris Adacom Corporation, a network products and services company, Senior Vice President of United Technologies Corporation�s Semiconductor Operation and President of the North American Group of Mohawk Data Sciences, a manufacturer of distributed computer products. Mr. Byrne began his career in high technology with General Electric Company. He currently serves as a director of Healthaxis Inc., a claims processing outsourcing company for the health care benefits industry, and is a Fellow and Director of the Legacy Center for Public Policy.