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Profile of James Dillon

James Dillon

Partner - Foley Hoag LLP
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Company Name : Foley Hoag LLP
Company Website : www.fhe.com
Company Address : 155 Seaport Blvd.
Seaport World Trade Ctr. W, Boston, MA,
United States,
James Dillon Profile :
Partner - Foley Hoag LLP
James Dillon Biography :

James J. Dillon



Jim Dillon focuses his litigation practice on highly complex cases involving product liability and intellectual property disputes. He served as liaison counsel and lead trial counsel in a number of multidefendant, multiplaintiff claims involving DES and asbestos in buildings where the timing and framing of issues such as class action certification, consolidations, or market share liability were critical for successful defense.

In the area of product liability law, Jim defended DES and asbestos-in-building claims in Massachusetts and other New England states, and in Texas, Ohio, Maryland, D.C. and New York. He has expertise in the civil procedure motions necessary for the defense of these complex cases, and has demonstrated the ability to translate complex medical and epidemiological issues into effective trial strategies. As a result, he has defeated requests for class certification, medical monitoring and market share liability in both state and federal cases. He is also involved in the defense of Cox 2 inhibitors, asthma medications, psychopharmaceutical drugs, biologics and antiseptic gels.

Jim also serves as General Counsel for Foley Hoag LLP.

Jim is an active member of the Products Liability Advisory Council, the International Association of Defense Counsel and the DRI. He is often a speaker at ACI, PLAC, and IIR programs on product liability topics, off-label use of drugs, and electronic discovery issues.

Jim also maintains a general civil litigation practice that includes disputes among businesses arising from acquisitions and mergers, claims over contract rights, and disputed intellectual property rights.

Bars and Court Admissions

District of Columbia

New York


U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia

U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit

U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit

U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit

U.S. Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit

U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit

Supreme Court of the United States

Representative Experience

The following is a brief summary of James's experience and accomplishments:

Played a prominent role in the defense of product liability claims involving DES, serving as lead counsel for defendants in many cases in New England, Ohio, Washington, D.C., Maryland and New York

Served as lead counsel for defendants in the defense of asbestos-in-buildings claims brought by school districts and other public entities in Texas, Colorado and other states

professional / civic involvement

Boston Bar Association, Member

American Bar Association, Member

Product Liability Advisory Council, Member

Huntington Theatre Company


Executive Committee, Member

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Ob/Gyn Foundation, Director and Counsel.

James Dillon Colleagues :
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Alexander Aber

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Michele Adelman

Counsel Please login

Nabeel Ahmad

Assoc. Attorney Please login

Ramzi Ajami

Assoc. Attorney Please login

Sarah Altschuller

Assoc. Attorney Please login

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