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Profile of James Conway

James Conway

Chmn., CEO - Netsmart Technologies Inc.
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Company Name : Netsmart Technologies Inc.
Company Website : www.netsmartech.com
Company Address : 3500 Sunrise Hwy
Ste D-122, Great River, NY,
United States,
James Conway Profile :
Chmn., CEO - Netsmart Technologies Inc.
James Conway Biography :

Mr. Conway is responsible for setting Netsmart�s vision and strategy, assuring the accomplishment of business objectives, securing resources for growth, and working with the executive management team to support Netsmart�s mission and vision.

He joined Netsmart in 1996, bringing to the company an extensive background in finance and operations. Mr. Conway spent a majority of his career in senior management positions at ITT, serving as vice president and director of several subsidiaries that created strategic financial support for the marketing of new

products and services. While at ITT, he helped grow the finance subsidiary�s total assets from $300 million to more than $1 billion.

Mr. Conway serves on the board of directors of LISTnet, a Long Island-based organization dedicated to achieving excellence for software and technology solutions. He is also a member of the CEO Roundtable of Long Island.He received an MBA from New York Institute of Technology.

James Conway Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Kevin Scalia

Exec. VP, Corporate Development, Dir. Please login

Anthony Grisanti

Exec. VP, CFO, Sec., Treasurer Please login

James Gargiulo

Exec. VP, Clients, Solutions Please login

Alan Tillinghast

Exec. VP, Operations Please login

Joseph McGovern

Exec. VP, Strategic Initiatives Please login

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