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Profile of James Aubuchon

James Aubuchon

Scientific Advisor - Immunetics Inc.
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Company Name : Immunetics Inc.
Company Website : www.immunetics.com
Company Address : 27 Drydock Ave.
6th Fl., Boston, MA,
United States,
James Aubuchon Profile :
Scientific Advisor - Immunetics Inc.
James Aubuchon Biography :

Dr. AuBuchon attended the University of Michigan for undergraduate work in cellular biology (1970-73) and medical training (1974-78) before entering the field of pathology. He completed an anatomic and clinical pathology residency at the University of Wisconsin and was a Senior Staff Fellow in the Department of Transfusion Medicine at the National Institutes of Health for two years where he initiated work on the effects of plasticizers on red cell storage. Following his fellowship, Dr. AuBuchon served as the director of several regional blood centers and the national headquarters of the American Red Cross for 6 years. Dr. AuBuchon came to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center as the Medical Director of the Blood Bank and Transfusion Service in 1990. He has pursued several lines of research, continuing his work on component storage system improvement and extending his interest in practical improvements in blood safety through defining the cost-effectiveness of a variety of proposed interventions. He has worked closely with clinicians to promote improved transfusion practices through the Transfusion Committee and implemented innovative approaches to reduce the two greatest risks of transfusion, bacterial contamination and mistransfusion. Dr. AuBuchon served as the Pathology Residency Program Director for seven years before being asked to serve as the acting chair of the department in October, 2000. He was named the chair of the Department of Pathology in February, 2002 . He served as a member of the Blood Safety and Availability Advisory Committee of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1997-2000). He served the American Association of Blood Banks as chair of the Scientific Section Coordinating Committee (1998-2002) and a district director (2003 present) on the Board of Directors. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh in 1999.

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