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Profile of James Cliaiborne Allred

James Cliaiborne Allred

Member - Allred, Bacon, Halfhill, Young, PC - Allred, Bacon, Halfhill & Young PC
James Cliaiborne Allred Email :
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Company Name : Allred, Bacon, Halfhill & Young PC
Company Website : www.abhylaw.com
Company Address : 11350 Random Hills Rd.
Ste. 700, Fairfax, VA,
United States,
James Cliaiborne Allred Profile :
Member - Allred, Bacon, Halfhill, Young, PC - Allred, Bacon, Halfhill & Young PC
James Cliaiborne Allred Biography :

Mr. Allred died of leukemia at the age of 60. He was born in Erwin, Tennessee; graduated from East Tennessee State University with a B.A. in Speech and Drama; and then went into the United States Marine Corps where he served from 1969 through 1979. While in the Marine Corps, Mr. Allred attained the rank of Major and as an aviator flew medivac helicopters during his tour in Viet Nam. In 1979, Mr. Allred decided to leave the military in order to become a lawyer and entered The Catholic University, Columbus School of Law. He graduated in 1982 and began practicing in the Northern Virginia Area. In June 1995, Mr. Allred helped form the law firm of Allred, Bacon, Halfhill & Young, P.C., with whom he practiced until his death. During this time, Jim represented families and businesses with wisdom, a pleasant demeanor, and devotion to their needs. He is survived by his wife Debra, his daughters Juli and Lara, and his brothers and extended family at Allred, Bacon, Halfhill & Young.

James Cliaiborne Allred Colleagues :
Name Title Email

James Bacon

Member - Allred, Bacon, Halfhill, Young, PC Please login

Stephen Halfhill

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Warner Young

Member - Allred, Bacon, Halfhill, Young, PC Please login

Robert Zaniel

Member - Allred, Bacon, Halfhill, Young, PC Please login

John Forest

Member - Allred, Bacon, Halfhill, Young, PC Please login

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