Jarvis Cheung has extensive experience in the valuation and financial risk analysis of commercial contracts, operating assets, investments and divestitures. He is responsible for the development of Synaptic Decisions� proprietary financial models, analytical tools and risk management process. Prior to joining Synaptic Decisions, he held a number of technology and commercial positions at Shell for 12 years. Mr. Cheung joined Shell Oil Company in 1992 as a research engineer developing advanced information and process control technologies for refineries and chemical sites. He was a principal developer of the proprietary Tactical Asset Allocation model for Shell Pension Trust that resulted in over $100MM additional profit from 1995 to 1999. In 1997, Mr. Cheung helped found Shell Chemical Risk Management Company. He served as VP Technology and Operations, and led development of the quantitative risk analysis capability of the company. He was part of the core management team successfully building a profitable business with turnover of over $400MM in 2001. He had assisted various Shell businesses in contract valuation, portfolio evaluation and risk analyses associated with asset sales. In 2001, he was on special assignment to Shell's head office in London for 3 years providing financial risk assessment for a number of projects in China, Singapore, Middle-East and the US with final investment totaled over $5B. He was a winner of the coveted Champions of Excellence Award for 2001/2002 and a number of special recognition awards at Shell. Mr. Cheung received his Sc.D. in Chemical Engineering from MIT, and his B.S., Highest Distinction, in Chemical Engineering and Mathematics from University of Wisconsin at Madison. He completed the Executive Program for International Management from Stanford and National University of Singapore, the Emerging Leader Program from the Global Institute for Leadership Development and the Chemical Business Management Program from Shell. He is a certified Financial Risk Manager. |