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Profile of Jason Pettis

Jason Pettis

IT Specialist - Systemation Inc.
Jason Pettis Email :
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Company Name : Systemation Inc.
Company Website : www.systemation.com
Company Address : 2095 S. Pontiac Way
, Denver, CO,
United States,
Jason Pettis Profile :
IT Specialist - Systemation Inc.
Jason Pettis Biography :

Jason Pettis makes the technical world a creative place. Artists paint. Sculptures sculpt. And Jason designs things with 1s and 0s. His innovative thinking helps Systemation utilize technological solutions in day-to-day operations, as well as in long-term goals. And his constant love and care for the Web site helps both clients and our facilitators have access to the information they need when they need it. Jason spends a lot of time at Systemation's "Data Farm," where he keeps all the servers and technical hardware. Because he always seems to know and "to want to know," Jason is known as the company "answer man." Whenever someone has a question, even about random topics, he either knows the answer or knows where to find it. Systemation staff often receive great benefits and entertainment from his rare talent for answering questions.

Jason Pettis Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Laurel Cagan

Marketing Coordinator Please login

Pam Charbonneau

Financial Administrator Please login

Tim Robinson

Dir. - Product Development Please login

Ben Snyder

CEO Please login

Dawn Snyder

VP Please login

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