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Profile of Jay Kunin

Jay Kunin

Member - Scientific Advisory Board - EKM Corp.
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Company Name : EKM Corp.
Company Website : www.ekmco.com
Company Address : 665 San Rodolfo Dr.
No. 165, Solana Beach, CA,
United States,
Jay Kunin Profile :
Member - Scientific Advisory Board - EKM Corp.
Jay Kunin Biography :

Jay is a pharmaceutical and medical information technology consultant, and an expert in regulatory compliance of IT systems. Kunin, who began his tech career in software research at Massachusetts General Hospital, has been a consultant to vendors such as Oracle, RelSys, Sun, DEC and IBM, and biomedical and healthcare firms, including Genentech, Amgen, Marion Merrill Dow, and Scripps Clinic. He was director of IT at Scios, Inc. (now part of Johnson & Johnson), and was the founder and president of RxSys International, a public company that made clinical trials systems for Sandoz, among others. Kunin was also a principal of Securities Industry Software Corp, where he served as VP of Technology and, later, VP International, when the company was acired quby CitiCorp. Kunin serves on the academic advisory board for UCSD�s Integrated New Product Development program, and for UCLA Anderson School�s Biotech Executive Program. He�s a Management Fellow at UCSD CONNECT, an advisor to several VC firms, a director or advisor for several startup medical technology companies, and a member of the Board of Directors of the San Diego Tech Coast Angels. Kunin holds a Bachelor�s Degree in physical sciences and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from MIT.

Jay Kunin Colleagues :
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Susan Liebovitz

Chmn., Pres. Please login

Stewart Larson

CEO Please login

Jack Bissell

Business Consultant Please login

Thomas Chung

Member - Scientific Advisory Board Chmn. Please login

Chris Coppin

Member - Scientific Advisory Board Please login

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