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Profile of Jeanne Glisky

Jeanne Glisky

Trustee - Catholic Healthcare Partners
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Company Name : Catholic Healthcare Partners
Company Website : www.health-partners.org
Company Address : 615 Elsinore Pl.
, Cincinnati, OH,
United States,
Jeanne Glisky Profile :
Trustee - Catholic Healthcare Partners
Jeanne Glisky Biography :

Sister Jeanne Glisky, SFP, serves as a Corporate Member and as a member of the CHP board of trustees. She chaired CHP�s Corporate Member from 2004 - 2006. She was elected to the CHP board of trustees in 1999 and served as the congregational minister for the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor from 1996 through 2004.

Prior to being elected congregational minister, Sister Jeanne was congregational councilor from 1992 to 1996. She also ministered at the Congregational House of Prayer for three years. Sister Jeanne is a certified spiritual director and has worked in the Life Experience and Faith Sharing Movement with the homeless in New York City shelters. She also was project director of Franciscans International, a nongovernmental organization at the United Nations.

A writer and editor, Sister Jeanne has conducted considerable research in congregational history and has served as congregational historian and archivist. Sister Jeanne received a bachelor of arts in sociology from Edgecliff College in Cincinnati. She holds a master of arts degree in Franciscan studies from the Franciscan Institute at St. Bonaventure University. She also has extensively studied German, Italian and Portuguese. With this education, she has conducted private research in archives and libraries in Germany and led study programs in Italy and Brazil.

In 2006, Sister Jeanne received a graduate certificate in theology from the Catholic University of Louvain in Leuven, Belgium and is presently continuing graduate studies in theology at Fordham University, Bronx, New York.

Jeanne Glisky Colleagues :
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Anthony Barbato

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George Bo-linn

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Michael Connelly

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Cathleen Eldridge

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Mildred Ely

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