Jeff Dertz is a Partner in the firm�s Insurance Practice. Jeff specializes in auditing property and casualty and life insurance companies. His clients include public and private insurance companies ranging from start-ups to those with premiums in excess of $300 million. Jeff contributes his expertise to Blackman Kallick�s Insurance Edge where he informs current and prospective clients about changes that will affect the insurance industry. Jeff�s article topics have covered statutory accounting issues, reinsurance, fraud and internal control. He also conducts various training seminars at the firm and assists the quality control partner with internal inspection processes. An accountant for more than 15 years, Jeff joined Blackman Kallick in 1993. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Illinois CPA Society (the Society) and the Society�s Insurance Special Interest Group, the Insurance Accounting & Systems Association and the Association of Lloyd�s Brokers. Currently, Jeff serves as president of the Greater Chicago Chapter of the Insurance Accounting & Systems Association and previously served as its treasurer for three years. He graduated with high honors from Northwestern Business College with degrees in accounting and business management. |