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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
Jeff Schoenborn
Sr. VP - Corporate Communications, Investor Relations
Jeff Schoenborn's Email : Please login
Company Name : Travers Collins & Co.
Company Website : www.traverscollins.com
Company Address : 726 Exchange St.
Ste. 500, Buffalo, NY,
United States,
Jeff Schoenborn's Profile : Sr. VP - Corporate Communications, Investor Relations
Jeff Schoenborn's Biography :

Jeff has provided strategic communications, crisis management and investor relations counsel to executives, boards, IR officers and corporate communications departments at public companies with market capitalizations ranging from $100 million to $80 billion, privately held corporations, government agencies and not-for-profits around the world. He joined Travers Collins & Company in 2007 after serving as director, corporate communications at Accenture (NYSE: ACN), associate director, corporate and financial communications at Bristol-Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY), and a director in the corporate/financial practice of Burson-Marsteller all in New York. Jeff earned his BA from Michigan State University�s School of Journalism and his MBA in finance from Fordham University�s Graduate School of Business Administration. He started his career with Travers Collins & Company in 1994.

Favorite solo artist:

Frank Sinatra

Favorite Hobby:

Does reading newspapers count? Online or printed, financial papers or New York tabloids, community weeklies and the major dailies.

Interesting fact:

Ending up in a photo shoot on the Great Wall of China for, what I was later told, was an advertisement for a back-pain treatment of questionable scientific merit.

Jeff Schoenborn's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Barb Krellner VP, Sr. Account Mgr. Please login
Ellie Mason Sr. VP Please login
Kathy Burns VP, Interactive, Advertising Please login
Lisa Lindquist Account Supervisor Please login
Rob Kubiak Account Mgr. Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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