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Profile of Jeffrey Grant

Jeffrey Grant

Corporate Lead Exec. - Los Angeles, Calif Northrop Grumman Corporation - Northrop Grumman Corp.
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Company Name : Northrop Grumman Corp.
Company Website : www.northropgrumman.com
Company Address : 1840 Century Pk. E
, Los Angeles, CA,
United States,
Jeffrey Grant Profile :
Corporate Lead Exec. - Los Angeles, Calif Northrop Grumman Corporation - Northrop Grumman Corp.
Jeffrey Grant Biography :

Jeffrey D. Grant is the Northrop Grumman Corporate Lead Executive (CLE) for Los Angeles, Calif. and the vice president of Business Development for the company�s Space Technology sector, headquartered in Redondo Beach, Calif.

In his capacity as CLE, Mr. Grant is responsible for developing and maintaining corporate relationships with key customers in the region, including the Los Angeles Air Force Base Space and Missile Systems Center, the Aerospace Corp. and NASA�s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

As vice president of Business Development at Space Technology, he oversees the sector�s strategy formulation, program development, marketing and discretionary investment.

Mr. Grant joined Northrop Grumman in 2002. Previously, Mr. Grant held a variety of government and private-sector positions. Most recently, he was vice president and chief technical officer for Astrolink International, LLC. Prior to that, he served as Lockheed Martin�s vice president and chief technical officer for Astrolink an international joint venture to develop and operate a global, broadband telecommunications satellite system.

Before joining the private sector, Mr. Grant served for 21 years at the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in positions at the CIA/National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), Directorate of Science and Technology, and Directorate of Intelligence, Office of Scientific Intelligence. In his most recent assignment at the NRO, Mr. Grant served as director, Office of Plans and Analysis. During his 18 years at the NRO, Mr. Grant also served as program director for satellite, launch, and ground segment development. In addition, he was the chief systems engineer on two space intelligence collection projects involving spacecraft in both geosynchronous and low earth orbits. Mr. Grant also led an advanced technology division to develop and test advanced imagery, communication and data processing technologies.

Mr. Grant received a Bachelor of Science degree in ocean engineering from the Florida Institute of Technology. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Distinguished Intelligence Medal, the Intelligence Medal of Merit, the CIA�s Engineer of the Year, the Intelligence Certificate of Distinction and the CIA Certificate of Distinction.

Northrop Grumman Corporation is a global defense company headquartered in Los Angeles, Calif. Northrop Grumman provides a broad array of technologically advanced, innovative products, services and solutions in systems integration, defense electronics, information technology, advanced aircraft, shipbuilding, and space technology. The company has more than 125,000 employees and operates in all 50 states and 25 countries and serves U.S. and international military, government and commercial customers

Jeffrey Grant Colleagues :
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Robert Helm

Corporate VP - Government Relations Please login

James Sanford

Corporate VP, Treasurer Please login

Michael Petters

Corporate VP, Pres. - Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding Please login

John Chain

Dir. Please login

Wesley Bush

Pres., COO Please login

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