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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
Jeffrey Klunk
Pres. - Coaching Services, Organizational Effectiveness Services - LMA CONSULTING GROUP
Jeffrey Klunk's Email : Please login
Company Name : LMA Systems Group Inc.
Company Website : www.lmasystems.com
Company Address : 1848 Charter Lane
, Lancaster, PA,
United States,
Jeffrey Klunk's Profile : Pres. - Coaching Services, Organizational Effectiveness Services - LMA CONSULTING GROUP
Jeffrey Klunk's Biography :

A licensed psychologist, Jeff Klunk has over 25 years of experience as a counselor, trainer, consultant and manager. He specializes in workplace issues such as executive coaching, performance enhancement, team building and career planning, working with diverse firms from very small businesses to Fortune 100 companies.

Jeff brings to this role a blend of strong professional skills and organizational experience. Joining the organization in 1982, he originally supervised psychological services, where his work included critical incident debriefings, career assessments and counseling. He also managed over 20 managed care and national employee assistance programs (EAPs) and supervised a multi-disciplinary staff. As co-owner of the company, he moved into corporate services in 1990. In 2002, he oversaw the reorganization of the company and became its president.

Over the years Jeff has assisted dozens of companies and corporate leaders in developing their capacities. He has a particular interest in helping passionate leaders achieve their potential, working one-on-one and in leadership group settings. As a group, highly successful but restless men and women meet under Jeff's guidance to give and receive perspective, support, feedback and intellectual challenge.

A member of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Jeff holds a master's degree in psychology from Millersville University and has completed postgraduate studies in psychology. He builds on early experiences as a Peace Corps volunteer in Colombia, South America and has additional training in executive coaching, performance enhancement, personnel assessment, career development, workplace dysfunctions and ethics. He is certified to provide critical incident stress management response services by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc.

Jeffrey Klunk's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
David Borden Principal - Coaching Services, Organizational Effectiveness Services - LMA Consulting Group Please login
James Baker Sr. Consultant - Human Resource Services - LMA Consulting Group Please login
Elaine Boltz Employee Assist. Program Administrator - LMA Consulting Group Please login
Barry Davis Sr. Consultant - Career Management - LMA Consulting Group Please login
Barry Frey Sr. Consultant - Human Resource Services - LMA Consulting Group Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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