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Profile of Jenny Dugan

Jenny Dugan

Project Mgr. - Belvedere USA Corp.
Jenny Dugan Email :
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Company Name : Belvedere USA Corp.
Company Website : www.belvedere.com
Company Address : One Belvedere Blvd.
, Belvidere, IL,
United States,
Jenny Dugan Profile :
Project Mgr. - Belvedere USA Corp.
Jenny Dugan Biography :

My goal is to ensure that every Belvedere customer receives the best-quality design counsel and advice in the salon and spa industry. Our goal is to ensure that our customers receive the best of our service offering."

o Began career in Interior Design in 1998

o Graduated from the International Academy of Merchandising and Design in Chicago with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Interior Design

o Clients prior to joining Belvedere include Federal Aviation Administration, the Salvation Army, Sprint and Kemper Insurance

o Jenny manages communications between clients, designers, architects and contractors throughout a project

Jenny Dugan Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Theresa Clarlone

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Elaine Diehl

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Beth Plomos

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Hak Chao

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