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Profile of Jenny Lashier

Jenny Lashier

Presenters, Consultant - LearnCom Inc.
Jenny Lashier Email :
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Company Name : LearnCom Inc.
Company Website : www.learncom.com
Company Address : 38 Discovery
Ste. 250, Irvine, CA,
United States,
Jenny Lashier Profile :
Presenters, Consultant - LearnCom Inc.
Jenny Lashier Biography :

Jenny Lashier is a corporate trainer specializing in business writing training for ATW Training & Consulting. For the past 11 years, Lashier has worked in the training and development field creating and delivering numerous training programs. She writes and presents training programs for public and corporate environments. While her passion is training P.O.W.E.R. Business Writing skills, she also enjoys teaching time management, team building, and meeting effectiveness.

Lashier learned the importance of education and contributing to her community from her parents, two public school teachers. She earned a Bachelor's of Science degree in Public Relations from Kansas State University.

In addition, she possesses a Master's degree in Higher Education from Iowa State University; her thesis work focused on students' transition from college to work. She created a training program called ?From Backpack to Briefcase' to assist students in their transition from college students to members of the workforce. Thesis research inspired Lashier to author College Memories 101, a memory journal. She has since authored two more memory journals.

Jenny Lashier Colleagues :
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Cam Marston

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Leslie Aguilar

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Todd McDonald

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Judith Glaser

CEO Please login

Michael Harris

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