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Profile of Jenny Oja

Jenny Oja

Design Dir. - Sliced Bread Design LLC
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Company Name : Sliced Bread Design LLC
Company Website : www.slicedbreaddesign.com
Company Address : 525 Mountain View Ave.
, Mountain View, CA,
United States,
Jenny Oja Profile :
Design Dir. - Sliced Bread Design LLC
Jenny Oja Biography :

Jenny works directly with clients to build products that people love. As Design Director at Sliced Bread Design, Jenny spends her time interfacing closely with clients and their customers, making sure that every design is outstanding. For more than ten years, Jenny has been designing consumer products and websites, conducting user experience research, and managing teams of world class designers to create products that people crave.Prior to joining Sliced Bread Design, Jenny was Design Manager for the Adobe Creative Suite products. She holds a BS in Computer Science with a focus on Interaction Design from Stanford University. She has received design patents and presented at conferences on best practices in experience design. Her favorite bread is Rye bread.

Jenny Oja Colleagues :
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