Without a doubt, if a hospital is to fulfill its mission to provide healthcare to every person who comes through the doorway, regardless of that person�s ability to pay, it needs a serious and progressive business strategy to ensure its own viability. The uncompromising reality is simple: no margin, no mission. In 1999, Eastern Maine Healthcare created a vice president for business development position to responsibly anticipate market shifts and growth as well as consider new and innovative opportunities for collaboration. This position was deemed crucial to effectively face the challenges arising from the ever-shifting landscape of healthcare. Since Jerry�s arrival, he has developed opportunities for partnership with employers, other providers, and even organizations across the border in Canada. He has spearheaded a major research study to assess regional health needs and shifts in population and service. This research will help EMHS and other healthcare organizations in our region respond effectively to the changing needs of our citizens. Strategic planning, market research, community wellness, e-business and public relations all integral components in knowing and working with a public are under his purview.
The road to here
Born and raised in Kansas City, Jerry took his first job at the local hospital when he was 17, and found his life�s work in creating bridges between a community and its healthcare providers. From organizing public health screenings to working with business leaders to strategize cost effective healthcare programs, Jerry has deep experience in the fundamental exchanges that need to take place between a healthcare provider and all sectors of society. He focuses on maintaining a critical awareness of public need and parallel business opportunities that provide critical direction in developing the hospital�s future.
A graduate of the University of Missouri at Kansas City, Jerry has baccalaureate and masters degrees in business and public administration respectively. His best education, however, has been the 34 years of progressive experience in small hospitals and large healthcare systems.
Guiding principle
Use your time and your abilities in meaningful ways. Jerry passed up opportunities in other industries because of the satisfaction he derives from working in an organization whose product helps people in such essential ways. I have been able to build a career and be in community service at the same time, notes Jerry..
Proudest accomplishments
His greatest pride has come from finding Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems and his own role within it. I always dreamed of finding the opportunity that would allow me to put together all the individual experiences I�ve had since 1968, says Jerry. And being able to do that in an organization as progressive and healthy as EMHS is a treat!
What he�s trying to do
I remember when I got one of my early jobs as a manager in a patient care department. While I never touched a patient, I always told the nurses that my job was to do what I could to be sure they had what they needed to provide high quality care. That has always been the source of satisfaction for me--knowing that if I work hard, our organization will be able to successfully achieve its mission of patient care. And having been involved in implementing initiatives related to the EMH Community Health Needs Assessment, I�m further motivated by the thought that my work may even help some people avoid disease and stay out of the hospital in the first place. |