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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
Jerry Winter
N, A
Jerry Winter's Email : Please login
Company Name : Manhattan Resources
Company Website : www.manhattanresources.com
Company Address : 1221 McKinney St
Ste. 2950, Houston, TX,
United States,
Jerry Winter's Profile : N, A
Jerry Winter's Biography :

Jerry Winter, Executive Recruiter, brings over 26 years of sales & marketing experience in the electricity and natural gas industry to Manhattan Resources. As Vice President of Sales & Energy Marketing with Reliant Energy, Shell Energy Services Co, and MXenergy, Jerry successfully built sales & marketing teams to compete in today's competitive energy marketplace.

Jerry has an extensive energy industry background that includes expertise in electric power and natural gas marketing, sales management, as well as energy-efficiency and utility electrical distribution systems. He has been recognized for opening new markets, building successful teams and increasing profitability and client satisfaction. His specialties include key account sales strategies/tactics and contract/price negotiations.

Jerry has a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge where he was awarded the "Fouche Memorial Scholarship" for excellence in marketing. Jerry lives in Houston with his wife of 27 years Cheryl. They are the proud parents of two beautiful and intelligent adult daughters, one living in Los Angeles pursuing her acting and musical career, and the other a future meteorologist, studying at the University of Oklahoma. Jerry enjoys golf, boating & fishing.

Jerry Winter's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Chris Schoettelkotte Founder, Pres., CEO Please login
Steve McAleavy Exec. VP Please login
Molly Bernard Account Exec. - Houston Please login
Alex Doran Exec. Recruiter Please login
David Fradkin N, A Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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