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Profile of Jim Coulson

Jim Coulson

MD - Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Jim Coulson Email :
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Company Name : Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Company Website : www.huronconsultinggroup.com
Company Address : 550 W Van Buren St.
, Chicago, IL,
United States,
Jim Coulson Profile :
MD - Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Jim Coulson Biography :

Jim has over 30 years of records management experience. He specializes in strategic planning for records management programs and the development of electronic records information and imaging systems.

Professional Experience

Jim was the founder of Records Improvement Institute LLC (RII) an international records management consulting firm. He has provided records management expertise to over 200 companies in North America mostly Fortune 1000 companies. His services include records retention scheduling indexing and classification and electronic document and records management.

Prior to establishing RII Jim held senior executive positions in a number of records management consulting and products companies.

Representative examples of Jim's engagement experience include:

Assisting a major global specialty chemical company develop their records and information management strategy policy and electronic records management standards. This work included the development of comprehensive RFP specifications vendor selection and implementation of email management.

Managing the development and implementation of records retention schedules for all areas of a global automotive company in Canada Mexico and USA.

Directing an effort to establish a records management program for a multi-national financial services firm. The engagement included development of retention schedules for records in all media formats establishment of program infrastructure and electronic records management strategy.

Identifiying requirements at a global energy services company and supported them through the selection of electronic records management software and the implementation of practical records management policy practices and processes.

Advising major information management vendors in the design development and improvement of their electronic records management software.

Education & Certifications

Certified Records Manager (CRM)

Studied engineering and physics at the University of Western Ontario London ON; computer science at York University Toronto ON; and records management at George Brown College Toronto ON

Professional Associations

ARMA International

Association of Information and Image Management (AIIM)

Speaking Engagements

Jim is a frequent speaker at the national and international level on electronic records and information management topics.


Co-author of international text Records Management Handbook 1994.

Author and lecturer of Records Improvement Course Northeastern University.

Co-author of an extensive records and information management software.

Designer and developer of a computer-based training module on records retention.


Recipient of Institute of Certified Records Managers Emmett Leahy Award considered the highest award in the records and information management industry.

Recipient of the Association of Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA) International Britt Literary Award

Inducted as a Fellow of ARMA International (FAI)

Recipient of the ARMA International Award of Merit

Recipient of the ARMA Canadian Research and Development Award

Jim Coulson Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Gary Holdren

Chmn., CEO, Pres. Please login

Gary Burge

VP, CFO, Treasurer Please login

Daniel Broadhurst

VP, COO Please login

Natalia Delgado

VP, General Counsel, Corp. Sec. Please login

Wayne Lipski

Controller, Assist. Treasurer Please login

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