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Profile of Joan Paulter

Joan Paulter

VP, Treaties, Scottish Re, US, Inc - Scottish Re Group Ltd.
Joan Paulter Email :
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Company Name : Scottish Re Group Ltd.
Company Website : www.scottishannuity.com
Company Address : 4 Par-la-Ville Rd.
2nd Fl., Hamilton, ,
Joan Paulter Profile :
VP, Treaties, Scottish Re, US, Inc - Scottish Re Group Ltd.
Joan Paulter Biography :

Vice President, Treaties, Scottish Re (U.S.), Inc.

Joan manages the development and writing of all reinsurance and retrocession contracts covering life insurance and annuity products, including conventional and financial treaties.

Joan has 30 years of professional experience in the writing and development of life reinsurance treaty contracts for traditional and non-traditional lines of business. Her career in reinsurance includes 10 years with General Reassurance Corp., where she served as Client Services Representative, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Vice President.

She also spent 10 years as Assistant Vice President with ITT Hartford International Life Reassurance Corp. (and its predecessor company, American Skandia Life Reassurance Corp.), where she created reinsurance contracts for domestic and foreign as well as traditional and non-traditional markets. Immediately prior to joining Scottish Re, she was Assistant Vice President with General & Cologne Re.

Joan received a degree in marketing from the University of Bridgeport (CT) and received her Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) designation from the American College of Insurance.

Joan Paulter Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Jeffrey Hughes

Board Dir. Please login

Larry Roy

Exec. VP - Sales, Marketing, Scottish Re, US Inc. Please login

Donna Mosely

Sr. VP - Securitization Accounting, Compliance, Scottish Re, US Inc. Please login

Meredith Ratajczak

Pres., CEO - Scottish Re, US Inc. Please login

Gregg Klingenberg

General Counsel Please login

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