Joanna Tsai is a Vice President at Competition Policy Associates. As part of the consulting staff, she has supported economic experts on antitrust matters in numerous industries such as pharmaceuticals, financial services, energy and entertainment in merger, alleged collusion and alleged monopolization contexts.
In 2004, Dr. Tsai provided support to Janusz Ordover and counsel for Organon, Inc. and Akzo Nobel N.V. in an alleged monopolization class action brought on behalf of certain direct purchasers of Organon's antidepressant, Remeron�. Dr. Ordover's testimony on issues related to the determination of market power aided the Defendants in obtaining a favorable summary judgment, in which the Court concluded that the Plaintiffs' so-called "direct evidence" approach is "insufficient" for establishing monopoly power, and "cannot define the relevant product market."
In late 2004, Dr. Tsai, along with others from COMPASS, provided guidance and economic analyses to MGM MIRAGE, Mandalay Resort Group and their outside counsel, Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson LLP and Hogan & Hartson LLP, on the competitive effects of the proposed merger between two of the leading hotel-casino operators in the United States. As a part of the COMPASS team, she performed extensive empirical analyses related to potential competitive effects of the transaction focusing primarily on the issues of geographic/product market definition and "coordinated effects." After an extensive and detailed investigation, the FTC unanimously approved the merger citing no competitive concerns.
From 2005 to the present, Dr. Tsai provided support to Prof. Janusz Ordover and counsel in an alleged monopolization case involving a prescription drug. The allegations include exclusionary conducts through exclusive licensing and supply agreements.
In 2005, Dr. Tsai, along with others from COMPASS, provided guidance and economic analyses to The Nasdaq Stock Market Inc., Instinet Group Inc., and their outside counsel, on the competitive effects of the proposed merger between two of the leading players in the electronic trade execution business. After a detailed investigation, the DOJ determined that the imminent entry of several firms should result in additional, viable alternatives sufficient to ensure that the markets remain competitive, and approved the merger.
In 2005 and the early part of 2006, Dr. Tsai provided support to Prof. Janusz Ordover in a consumer fraud matter pertaining to physician administered drugs.
In early 2006, Dr. Tsai, along with Prof. Robert Willig, provided economic analyses to Boston Scientific Corporation, a medical devices company, and their outside counsel, on the competitive effects of the proposed merger between Boston Scientific and Guidant Corporation, a leader in the design and development of cardiovascular medical products. The proposed deal received antitrust approval from both the FTC and the European Commission in April 2006.
In mid-2006, Dr. Tsai worked with Prof. Robert Willig on a matter that required an assessment of the competitive implications of a workshare agreement in the defense industry.
Dr. Tsai is experienced in conducting empirical studies, securities price analysis, valuation, and issues involving regulation through her consulting experience and academic research. Her academic research focused on issues related to securities, including the effects of regulatory changes on insider trading where she performed theoretical and empirical analyses on insider returns, profits, and the trading behavior of corporate insiders. Prior to joining COMPASS in 2003, Dr. Tsai was an economist with Economic Analysis LLC in Los Angeles, California.
Dr. Tsai holds an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Economics from Cornell University where she specialized in the fields of industrial organization, finance, and law and economics. |