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Profile of John Paterson

John Paterson

Board Dir., Pres., CEO - Southwestern Resources Corp.
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Company Name : Southwestern Resources Corp.
Company Website : www.swgold.com
Company Address : PO Box 10102
, Vancouver, BC,
John Paterson Profile :
Board Dir., Pres., CEO - Southwestern Resources Corp.
John Paterson Biography :

John Paterson is a founding principal of Southwestern Resources Corp. and President of Superior Diamonds Inc. Mr. Paterson brings a wide range of exploration experience to Southwestern, having worked extensively in Canada, the United States, South America, Asia and Australia. Prior to founding Southwestern, Mr. Paterson was President of Frobisher Resources PTY, Ltd., a private consulting company to senior mining firms working mainly in Australia and Indonesia. Much of his work was directed towards Archean gold deposits in Australia and included property/project generation, valuation, ore reserve and feasibility studies. He has worked in underground mining operations for Falconbridge Nickel Mines in Sudbury, Canada; as a Project Geologist for Uranerz Exploration and Mining Ltd., where he was involved in uranium exploration in Canada; and as a senior regional geologist with Uranerz Australia PTY Ltd. Mr. Paterson completed graduate courses in mineral exploration at Queens University and is a Fellow of the Geological Association of Canada and a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

John Paterson Colleagues :
Name Title Email

David Black

Chmn. Please login

Javier Salas

Dir. - Exploration, Peru Please login

Parkash Athwal

VP, Finance, CFO Please login

Timo Jauristo

Interim Pres., CEO, VP - Corporate Development, Dir. Please login

Thomas Beattie

VP - Corporate Affairs, Corp. Sec. Please login

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