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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
John Shafer
Pres. - Spectra Engineering
John Shafer's Email : Please login
Company Name : Spectra Engineering, Architecture & Surveying PC
Company Website : www.spectraenv.com
Company Address : 19 British American Blvd.
, Latham, NY,
United States,
John Shafer's Profile : Pres. - Spectra Engineering
John Shafer's Biography :

Mr. Shafer has over 40 years of experience in the fields of transportation and infrastructure systems, including project design and construction, program development and cost effectiveness. His background includes 28 years with the NYSDOT; 8 years with the NYS Thruway Authority; and 3 years with Earth Tech, Inc. During his last five years of service at the NYSDOT, Mr. Shafer served as the Chief Engineer, and then moved to the NYS Thruway Authority where he served as Executive Director. At RUST/ Earth Tech, Mr. Shafer served as the Director of the Northeast Transportation Program, establishing offices in New York City and Boston and growing the business from $1 million to over $10 million, and engineering personnel from 10 to over 100. Since joining SPECTRA, he has assisted in the strategic planning for large environmental permitting, performed the transportation aspects of this work and has directly participated in the infrastructure design capabilities of the firm. This has included highways, bridges, water lines, wastewater systems and large subdivisions. He has also managed SPECTRA's technical role in representing host communities for seven Article X proposals for new power plants throughout New York. Mr. Shafer has also been actively involved in the studies underway by the Institute for Infrastructure Asset Management, all of which have dealt with long term cost effectiveness of engineered facility assets. Mr. Shafer possesses a wide range of experience in transportation rehabilitation projects; including the DOT's Rebuild New York Program, CAD Design and the NYS Thruway's $1.7b Rebuilding Program, Travel Plaza Reconstruction, EZ Pass electronic toll collection and moveable barriers on the Tappan Zee Bridge. Mr. Shafer has been directly involved in several large highway and bridge engineering projects. His work has included the new interstate type Route 44 in Massachusetts ($100m); the rehabilitation of the Long Island Expressway in New York ($150m); and a new structure over the Intercoastal Waterway between Ocean City and Sommers Point, New Jersey ($100m). Mr. Shafer has also been involved in the design and construction of a new bridge over the Hudson River in Glens Falls, New York. NYS Thruway Authority While with the NYS Thruway Authority, Mr. Shafer was instrumental in the development of the emergency design for the Thruways Schoharie Creek replacement bridge and the design of the Thruway bypass that was built to carry traffic over the Schoharie Creek during construction of the replacement bridge. In addition, Mr. Shafer has been credited with establishing funding and development of a nine-year Thruway rehabilitation program and a bridge inspection program of professional engineers conducting cost-effective biennial inspections of Thruway bridges in accordance with federal and state standards. Mr. Shafer also championed the introduction of tandem toll booths at major interchanges throughout the state as the most cost effective way to reduce traffic delays and a public/private partnership for cost sharing the demolition and rebuilding of all 26 travel plazas. Other major accomplishments include the development of condition-based Pavement and Bridge Management Systems and the assumption of responsibility for the New York State Canal System and transportation economic development projects in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Newburgh, N.Y. Finally, Mr. Shafer successfully implemented the first full-scale operation of electronic toll collection in the east. Known as E-ZPass, the system is in operation throughout the super-highway system with several hundred thousand electronic tags in user vehicles in New York and has been expanded throughout the Northeast toll road system. NYS Department of Transportation As Chief Engineer, Mr. Shafer was responsible for all real estate activities, and the design and construction of highway and bridge projects for the Department. He supervised the Real Estate, Facilities Design, Construction, Structures, and Technical Services Divisions and coordinated all their activities. Mr. Shafer contributed to the Departments accomplishment, in record time, of two Rebuild N.Y. programs approved by the voters; and directly, and successfully negotiated with Seneca Indian Nation tribal leaders a very complex land exchange/payment program for construction of the Southern Tier Expressway on reservation land. Prior to serving as the NYSDOT's Chief Engineer, Mr. Shafer was Director of the Traffic & Safety Division (1977-1981) at the NYSDOT. He was responsible for all operation and safety of the State Highway System including traffic control devices, roadside appurtenances, hazardous materials regulations, school bus inspections, local highway assistance, etc. Before taking on responsibility of the Traffic and Safety Division, Mr. Shafer was the Director of the NYSDOT's Project Development Bureau. His responsibilities included all major highway corridor location studies, including environmental impact statements, cultural surveys, meeting park and wetland regulations, community participation and other aspects of highway location work. Mr. Shafer was responsible for developing transportation plans for all upstate urban areas in New York State.

John Shafer's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Robert Lafleur Pres. - Group Please login
Thomas Madison Pres. - Subsurface Imaging Please login
Lisa Wright COO Please login
Nancy Pascarelli Dir. - Operations, Poughkeepie Please login
John Seligman Dir. - Infrastructure Services Please login

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