John J. Mueller serves on the board of directors of Idearc Inc., the nation's most advanced provider of yellow pages and home to�. Mueller, currently a business consultant, served as Chief Executive Officer and President of Valor Telecommunications LLC from 2004 to 2006. From 2005 to 2006, he also served as Chief Executive Officer and President and as a member of the board of directors of Valor Communications Group, Inc., Valor's parent company. Prior to becoming Chief Executive Officer and President, Mueller served as Valor's President and Chief Operating Officer and, before that as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining Valor, Mueller spent 23 years at Cincinnati Bell Inc., serving in various positions including: President, Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company; General Manager Consumer Markets; and President and Chief Executive Officer of CBD, Cincinnati Bell's directory subsidiary. In 2006, Mueller successfully completed an exam to be certified as having core competencies as a board member following completion of an executive education program sponsored by the UCLA Anderson School of Management. |