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Profile of John Shave

John Shave

CEO, Pres. - Globalcom Inc.
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Company Name : Globalcom Inc.
Company Website : www.global-com.com
Company Address : 200 E Randolph St.
23rd Fl., Chicago, IL,
United States,
John Shave Profile :
CEO, Pres. - Globalcom Inc.
John Shave Biography :

As founder of Globalcom Communications, Mr. Shave has served as its Chief Executive Officer and President since its inception. Mr. Shave is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Globalcom. As a respected 14 year veteran of the telecom industry, Mr. Shave's leadership has directed the company from a handful of employees into the largest privately held telecom carrier in the country. He has successfully executed the Company�s transition from its original reseller roots to a facilities based carrier and Internet service provider. His core strategy is founded on continued regional deployment of Globalcom owned and operated network facilities, state-of-the-art back office, and the continued expansion of Globalcom's aggressive direct sales force and dealer programs. He has a proven track record of executing the objectives and goals of the company in one of the world�s most competitive industries. Mr. Shave was recognized by Ernst & Young as a Regional Entrepreneur of the Year in 2002 and inducted into the Who's Who Hall of Fame for Ernst & Young. Mr. Shave was selected as a Regional Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Judge in the years 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005 ; he served as a National judge in the years 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006. Mr. Shave and Globalcom served as a Regional Sponsor in 2007. Mr. Shave received the Fisher College of Business' Young Professional Achievement Award from his Alma Mater, Ohio State University. In addition, the University of Chicago inducted Mr. Shave into the Chicago Area Entrepreneur Hall of Fame. As an industry leader, he has been the keynote speaker for several industry conferences and entrepreneurial classes at Pepperdine University and the University of Chicago in 2006. Mr. Shave began his telecommunications career in 1992 with Allnet Communications. He has also held positions at LDDS, a nationwide long distance carrier. His tenure at LDDS paralleled the company's evolution from a mid-sized long distance company to the global telecommunications giant MCI. Mr. Shave received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the Ohio State University in 1989.

John Shave Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Eric Wince

COO, Exec. VP Please login

Gavin McCarty

Chief Legal Officer Please login

Glenn Custar

CFO Please login

Kieran Athy

Sr. VP Customer Operations Please login

Rob Neumann

Sr. VP, IP, Consulting Please login

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