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Profile of John Schneider

John Schneider

Founder, CEO - AgileDelta Inc.
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Company Name : AgileDelta Inc.
Company Website : www.agiledelta.com
Company Address : 15400 S.E. 30th Pl.
Ste. 201, Bellevue, WA,
United States,
John Schneider Profile :
Founder, CEO - AgileDelta Inc.
John Schneider Biography :

John Schneider is founder and CEO at AgileDelta, Inc. He is responsible for the overall vision and strategic direction of AgileDelta and AgileDelta technologies. John has a passion for great technologies, great people and the synergies between them that create value, maximize potential and improve lives. He envisioned and provided technical direction for Efficient XML and Mobile Information Client (MIC). He proposed the formation of the W3C Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) working group and is a founding member of that group. John also founded and led the ECMAScript for XML (E4X) initiative, creating the first mainstream programming language (JavaScript) with native support for XML. He directed the development of the open E4X standard and the first implementation of E4X, which is now part of the Mozilla open source project. Prior to founding AgileDelta, John led Engineering and Product Development for Crossgain Corporation, a high profile Microsoft spin-off founded to radically simplify building and deploying web services and applications (acquired by BEA). He was also Principal Systems Engineer at MITRE where he kick-started and led a variety of international XML initiatives for the United States and NATO. John is a member of the W3C Advisory Committee, helped develop the XML Query Language and the XML Schema Language and was U.S. delegate to NATO on technology initiatives related to XML, messaging and data interoperability. John has over twenty years experience developing technology and has Masters and Bachelors degrees in Computer Science.

John Schneider Colleagues :
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Rich Rollman

Founder, VP - Engineering, Product Development Please login

Doug Martin

VP - Marketing Please login

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