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Profile of John Stenbit

John Stenbit

Advisor - Mercator Partners
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Company Name : Mercator Partners
Company Website : www.mercatorpartners.com
Company Address : 30 Monument Sq.
Ste. 155, Concord, MA,
United States,
John Stenbit Profile :
Advisor - Mercator Partners
John Stenbit Biography :

John Stenbit joined the Mercator Partners� Advisory Board in 2004. John is nationally recognized for developing crucial defense information systems, systems engineering complex problems, and providing strategic value and vision to transform organizations in both government and industry. Among his many positions, John was the Assistant Secretary of Defense (C3I), Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence and Chief Information Officer of the Department of Defense, as well as a member of the management committee at TRW, a $18B global aerospace and automotive company. From 2001 until March 2004, Mr. Stenbit served as Assistant Secretary of Defense (C3I), Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence and Chief Information Officer of the Department of Defense. Reporting directly to Secretary Rumsfeld, John focused on advancing information-centric warfare in support of intelligence and operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. He also initiated the Counter-Intelligence Field Activity, which allows DoD to interface with multiple agencies in order to share information needed to pursue terrorists in the United States and abroad. His vision and leadership was a key component of DoD�s transformation towards Net-Centric Warfare. For more than three decades, John held management positions at TRW, Inc., a $18B diversified company that provided high technology products to the space, defense, information systems, and automotive markets. During his tenure as Executive Vice President, John created multi-tiered financial structures to match the complex customer environment. He also managed a major downsizing and re-alignment, spearheading diversification of traditional DoD business into new domestic and international government and commercial customers. In his last years with TRW, John defined the vision for an integrated commercial telecommunications business. He successfully secured investments for the execution of a breakthrough technology in broadband wireless communications (IPO currently pending). In addition to his advisory role with Mercator Partners, John is currently a director of two public companies and provides advisory services to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Administrator of the FAA. John is also a member of advisory committees for the Defense Science Board, Defense Communications Agency, Director of Naval Intelligence, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and several commercial firms.John Stenbit holds a B.S. degree in engineering and a M.S. degree in electrical engineering, both from California Institute of Technology. He is a Fulbright Fellow and recipient of the Secretary of Defense Medal for Outstanding Public Service.

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