Mr. Dischinger represents municipalities, special districts, businesses and individuals in water right evaluation, acquisition, protection and transfer. He works in all areas of Colorado water law, including applications for conditional and absolute water rights, changes of water rights, exchanges and plans for augmentation. Mr. Dischinger handles matters involving direct flow and storage rights in tributary, nontributary and not nontributary ground water, and native and transmountain surface water flows. In addition, he handles related litigation, including easements and rights-of-way, powers and management of ditch companies, and abandonment of water rights. Mr. Dischinger heads the Firm's GreenTech Law Group, providing services to companies in the sustainable development and renewable energy industries. He advises companies, brownfields and other real estate developers, and environmental cleanup firms on environmental compliance and permitting, as well as on environmental liabilities. He helps clients find practical solutions to routine and complex environmental problems, comply with environmental requirements, negotiate intergovernmental agreements, and maintain good relationships with regulators. For example, he represented an engineering firm working on the cleanup of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (a former nuclear weapons manufacturing facility near Golden, Colorado) for more than six years, until the site was fully remediated and turned into a wildlife refuge. He has experience with nearly all federal and state environmental laws, including, among others, the Clean Water Act (CWA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Price-Anderson Amendments Act (PAAA), and laws and regulations relating to the transportation of nuclear and hazardous materials. In addition, Mr. Dischinger has handled litigation involving claims under CERCLA, NEPA, CWA and the Federal Highway Act, and claims for environmental indemnification, and he represents clients in environmental enforcement defense. Mr. Dischinger is the Past-President of the Denver Bar Association and is a founder and past chairman of the Denver Warm Welcome Court Child Care Center. Print version of this bio, Acrobat� PDF format. |