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Joseph Bobek
Principal Consultant at PriceWaterhouseCoopers managing financial management
Joseph Bobek's Email : Please login
Company Name : Suss Consulting Inc.
Company Website : www.sussconsulting.com
Company Address : Noble Plz.
Ste 305, Jenkintown, PA,
United States,
Joseph Bobek's Profile : Principal Consultant at PriceWaterhouseCoopers managing financial management
Joseph Bobek's Biography :

Joe Bobek is a Senior Consultant with Suss Consulting, Inc. with 36 years of federal government financial management experience.

Prior to joining Suss Consulting, Mr. Bobek was an independent consultant assigned to recommend improvements in the financial management processes and procedures of the Court Security Appropriation budgeted by Administrative Office of the US Courts and administered by the United States Marshals Service. He also served for 3 years as a Principal Consultant at PriceWaterhouseCoopers leading projects to improve planning, budgeting and cash reconciliation for Department of State and the Department of Agriculture.

Mr. Bobek served for 33 years in the federal government where he held numerous senior financial management positions with the US Courts, the US Secret Service, Department of Agriculture and the Department of Navy. His last assignment in the federal government was Chief Financial Officer of the US Courts.

During his government career, Mr. Bobek led numerous nationwide financial management improvement efforts that included decentralization of financial management activities at the US Courts and installation of "state of the art" accounting systems at both the US Courts and the Department of Agriculture's Agriculture Marketing Service.

He received numerous awards in recognition of his superior performance and achievements including the Directors' Meritorious Service Award, 1997, Allotment Simplification Task Force, Distinguished Service Award, 1997 and Sustained Superior Performance and Special Act Awards in 1975, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1989, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1999.

Throughout his government career, Mr. Bobek made numerous presentations and conducted major training programs for Judges and senior career officials.

AB, Economics, King's College, 1963

MBA, Xavier University, 1965

Graduate Certificate, Management Information Systems, American University, 1969

Joseph Bobek's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Warren Suss Pres. - Suss Consulting Please login
Richard Abbott Lead Consultant Please login
Steven Ahlbin N, A Please login
Renee Barnow N, A Please login
Ron Benrey Sr. Consultant With Suss Consulting Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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