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Profile of Joseph Taylor

Joseph Taylor

MD - Huron Consulting Group Inc.
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Company Name : Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Company Website : www.huronconsultinggroup.com
Company Address : 550 W Van Buren St.
, Chicago, IL,
United States,
Joseph Taylor Profile :
MD - Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Joseph Taylor Biography :

Joe has worked in the higher education and healthcare environments for over 10 years. He specializes in assisting research universities with operational process and strategic issues.

Professional Experience

Prior to joining Huron Joe was part of the Healthcare and Education Practice at Arthur Andersen LLP. Joe has worked with more than 25 premier research universities and other non-profit organizations including Boston College Columbia University Cornell University Duke University Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center George Washington University Harvard Medical School Johns Hopkins University Mayo Foundation Northwestern University Rice University The Ohio State University University of Illinois University of Louisville University of Miami University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of Pennsylvania University of Utah University of Washington and the Weill Medical College of Cornell University.

Representative examples of Joe's engagement experience include:

Conducted more than 10 assessments of the sponsored research administration units at universities and academic health centers. These assessments focused on the following key elements: business processes people technology organization structure and performance measurement. The goal of these assessments was to provide the client with both short-term redesign opportunities and long-term strategic opportunities.

Designed and implemented new research administration processes in both the university and academic health center environments. As part of the design phase Joe worked with design team members to develop recommendations for streamlined processes within the existing research administration environment. As part of the implementation phase he worked with senior management to train personnel on the new processes.

Conducted more than 10 assessments of universities' compliance with federal research requirements. The assessments focused on the following topics: direct charging practices cost accounting standards effort reporting cost sharing conflict of interest recharge centers financial reporting cash management unallowable costs period of performance cost transfers program income and sub recipient monitoring.

Worked with several large research institutions to assist them in preparing responses to federal audits/investigations regarding compliance with federal research requirements.

Conducted more than five research system selection projects for research universities who were purchasing and implementing new research systems to manage pre-award post-award and protocol management functionality.

Developed and implemented compliance programs for healthcare providers to help meet the seven mitigating factors of the federal sentencing guidelines.

Designed educational materials and training programs to explain healthcare compliance to all levels of personnel at a major health care system.

Developed a written test to measure the knowledge of administrative personnel related to the critical financial and non-financial aspects of sponsored program management at a major public university.

Evaluated current policies procedures and business processes against federal healthcare requirements to estimate and reduce a health care system's exposure to compliance risks.

Prepared design requirements for a management reporting system at a major private university. As part of this design methods were identified for providing enhanced financial information to academic units auxiliary operations and central administration in order to assist with decision-making and strategic management.

Education & Certifications

Bachelor of Business Administration University of Notre Dame

Speaking Engagements

Frequent speaker at conferences sponsored by the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA)

Joseph Taylor Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Gary Holdren

Chmn., CEO, Pres. Please login

Gary Burge

VP, CFO, Treasurer Please login

Daniel Broadhurst

VP, COO Please login

Natalia Delgado

VP, General Counsel, Corp. Sec. Please login

Wayne Lipski

Controller, Assist. Treasurer Please login

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