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Profile of Josh Judge

Josh Judge

Meteorologist - WMUR-TV Inc.
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Company Name : WMUR-TV Inc.
Company Website : www.thewmurchannel.com
Company Address : 100 S Commercial St.
, Manchester, NH,
United States,
Josh Judge Profile :
Meteorologist - WMUR-TV Inc.
Josh Judge Biography :

Josh Judge joined the Storm Watch 9 team in April 2001. Analyzing our challenging and ever-changing weather patterns has become his passion. He loves telling viewers how the weather will affect their plans. You can catch him all weekend long on WMUR, and often during the week. A lifelong New Englander, Josh grew up in the snowy hill towns of Western Massachusetts until leaving for Boston's Emerson College in the mid 1980s. He has lived in New Hampshire since 1990. Broadcasting has been in Josh's blood since he was 12 years old and had his own radio show by his senior year of high school. While in college, he worked as a Boston radio DJ, as well as a helicopter traffic reporter. He then spent eight years hosting a radio morning show in New Hampshire's Seacoast region, first on Seacoast 102 WZEA (where he won the New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters' "Air Personality of the Year" award in 1993) and later on ARROW 105.3 FM. While returning to college to study atmospheric sciences, Josh worked for a weather company forecasting weather on radio stations up and down the East Coast, including in New York City and nationwide on AP Network News. He also spent several years doing weather on WHDH-TV in Boston, and WGME-TV in Portland, ME. Josh is one of a small number of meteorologists in the US who have earned a new and very rigorous type of credential from the American Meteorological Society. In July of 2006, he became only the 3rd meteorologist in New England accredited with the AMS "Certified Broadcast Meteorologist" seal, an upgrade from the AMS Seal of Approval. Also in 2006, Josh received the "best weathercast" award from the Associated Press, and was voted "Best TV Weathercaster" in the New Hampshire Magazine readers poll in 2006 and 2007. Josh and his wife, Donna, and son, Adam, live in southern New Hampshire. He enjoys spending time with his family, and his interests include playing tennis, skiing, boating, and aviation. E-mail Josh at jjudge@hearst.com

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