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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
Joy Quill
Sr. VP, Corporate Compliance Officer
Joy Quill's Email : Please login
Company Name : Strategic Management Systems Inc.
Company Website : www.strategicm.com
Company Address : 5911 Kingstowne Village Pkwy.
Ste. 210, Alexandria, VA,
United States,
Joy Quill's Profile : Sr. VP, Corporate Compliance Officer
Joy Quill's Biography :

Joy Quill has over 10 years of experience as a private sector consultant preceded by nearly 30 years in the federal government. She specializes in helping clients establish, build and assess the effectiveness of their compliance programs. She also develops and leads training programs on compliance auditing, risk assessment, and related topics. She is co-author of "A Guide to Auditing and Monitoring HIPAA Privacy Compliance" (Atlantic Information Services, 2003). Ms. Quill also heads her own consulting company, where she provides practical evaluation and training assistance to public and private sector clients. Recent projects include directing a longitudinal substance abuse prevention research project funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, evaluating a multi-year university-level curriculum development grant supported by the National Science Foundation, and assessing the impact of a statewide information and referral initiative funded by the HHS Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. She has also developed and taught evaluation and writing courses federal Inspectors General Auditor Training Institute. Prior to joining SM, Ms. Quill retired as Regional Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in the Philadelphia Regional Office. While in the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG), she directed over 50 national evaluations and inspections of HHS-funded programs. She also co-authored the HHS/OIG Quality Standards for Inspections, which were later adopted government-wide by the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency. Ms. Quill also held various positions with HHS at both the headquarters and regional levels. She also gained department-wide experience by working in several HHS/HEW agencies, including the Public Health Service, the Social Security Administration, the Office of Education, and the Office of the Secretary. Ms. Quill has a BA from Bryn Mawr College and has received numerous honors, including several Inspector General awards. She is Past President of the Eastern Evaluation Research Society and a member of the Board of Overseers of the William Penn Charter School in Philadelphia.

Joy Quill's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Marah Al-Eidy Assoc. VP - IT Operations Please login
Al Bassett Sr. VP Please login
Steve Brannan VP Please login
David Butler Pres. Please login
Christopher Coleman COO Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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