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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
Karl Killian
MD - Houston
Karl Killian's Email : Please login
Company Name : Claro Group LLC
Company Website : www.theclarogroup.com
Company Address : 70 W Madison St.
Ste. 4800, Chicago, IL,
United States,
Karl Killian's Profile : MD - Houston
Karl Killian's Biography :

Karl provides business executives and counsel with advice and analytical support for improved decisions and outcomes in connection with large insurance and other complex claim situations. His specialties include cost analysis and recovery, lost profits, and claim negotiations. Karl also has served as a damages expert at trial and in international arbitrations.

Prior to founding the Claro Group, Karl served as a director with the economic and financial consulting firm of LECG, LLC. He also served in Arthur Andersen's Business Consulting practice in Houston, and at Putnam, Hayes & Bartlett in Washington, DC, and Los Angeles.

Before beginning his consulting career, Karl worked in industry as a petroleum engineer involved in production and acquisitions as well as an environmental projects engineer managing regulatory compliance services.

Karl holds an MBA from Northwestern University and a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering with special distinction from The University of Oklahoma.

Karl Killian's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Venanzio Arquilla MD - Chicago Please login
John Cadarette MD - Santa Monica Please login
Douglas Deems MD, General Counsel - Los Angeles Please login
Michael Gardner MD - Chicago Please login
George Hansen MD - Houston Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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