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Profile of Karl Scholz

Karl Scholz

Architect Dir. - Unisys Corp.
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Company Name : Unisys Corp.
Company Website : www.unisys.com
Company Address : Unisys Way
, Blue Bell, PA,
United States,
Karl Scholz Profile :
Architect Dir. - Unisys Corp.
Karl Scholz Biography :

Karl W. Bill Scholz is the architect director, Voice and Business Mobilization Solutions Engineering for Unisys Global Communications Industry. A thought leader on speech-related applications, he has recently been recognized as one of the top ten experts in speech technology by Speech Technology magazine. Dr. Scholz is responsible for directing the NLSS engineering team in creating tools and integrating software components supporting the development and deployment of natural language and speech applications. He is currently focusing on integrating speech recognition and natural language processing to develop leading-edge spoken language understanding systems using standards such as VoiceXML.

Dr. Scholz has been with Unisys for 15 years. Prior to his current position, he was the director of Research and Development for Unisys Government Systems Group where he was working with artificial intelligence, knowledge base/database integration, natural language processing, and advanced software technology. He joined Unisys from Rabbit Software where he was in charge of software development, and from K&S Industries were he developed software for custom precision robots.

While a college professor, Dr. Scholz researched computer-assisted instruction (CAI) and developed a frame-based CAI system that became a successful commercial product. Dr. Scholz holds two patents, one for a system and method for speech-enabled application and the other for a dialogue flow interpreter. In addition, he has published numerous journal articles and spoken at many industry conferences

Karl Scholz Colleagues :
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Janet Haugen

Sr. VP, CFO Please login

Randy Hendricks

Exec. VP, Pres., Global Industries Please login

Dominick Cavuoto

Pres., Global Industries, Worldwide Strategic Services Please login

Scott Battersby

VP, Treasurer Please login

Nancy Sundheim

Sr. VP, General Counsel, Sec. Please login

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