Karl is a lifelong Chicagoland-an, meaning he hails from many a various suburb but always came to the city proper whenever he could borrow the car. Now residing in Lincoln Square, Karl has become addicted to too much excellent Thai food within spitting distance of too much good German beer. The effects of both of these at once are regrettable. Karl is also on staff at Chicagoist.com and manages to put together a coherent sentence or two at bigmornings.com. He'll argue the merits of buffalo wings and malt liquor to no end, is very likely sitting at Kuma's Corner right now, and might very well know what they're playing over the stereo. He hopes it's Motorhead. If it's winter, Karl is probably trying to make gl�gg (or at least thinking about making it), if it's summer he's wishing it were winter. Karl is Swedish;it's what Swedes do. He also enjoys the Food Network and the Travel Channel a bit too much for comfort, is always up for a good pirate joke, and appreciates a fine vintage Cadillac just as much as the next guy. |