Practice Focus
Kate chairs the firm�s Health Care Practice Group. She serves as general and special counsel to hospitals, nursing homes, physician practices, dental practices, and individual practitioners. She advises her health care clients on corporate, contracting, regulatory, credentialing, employment and patient care issues. As a former medical malpractice defense lawyer, she also provides her clients with risk management advice and litigation oversight. She frequently lectures on health care issues.
Kate is also a member of the firm�s Government Relations Practice Group. She has had substantial experience in state and federal government, having served as Policy Director and Legal Counsel to Governor John Lynch, a Representative to the New Hampshire House of Representatives, and a Legislative Assistant in the United States Senate. Kate also served as Law Clerk to Chief Judge Shane Devine, United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire (1979-1981). Sample Matters
Regularly drafts and negotiates employment agreements, shareholder agreements, and other contracts.
Advises clients on day-to-day patient care issues, including consent to treatment, confidentiality of medical records, guardianships, and other matters.
Represents professionals before the Board of Medicine, Board of Nursing, Board of Dental Examiners, and Board of Nursing Home Administrators.
B.A., cum laude, Mount Holyoke College
J.D., Boston College Law School
Two-time recipient (2003 and 1992) of the New Hampshire Bar Association�s President�s Award for Distinguished Public Service. Listed in Best Lawyers of America, Health care Section (editions 1995 through present). Listed in New Hampshire Magazine, "Best New Hampshire Lawyers, Health care category. Listed in Business New Hampshire�s, "Leaders for the 21st Century.
Memberships and Admissions
Member of the American Health Lawyers Association; Admitted to practice in the U.S. Supreme Court, First Circuit Court of Appeals, and United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire.
Community Involvement
Kate has been involved for many years in statewide and community service. She was recently appointed by Governor John Lynch to serve on the Citizens Health Initiative and by the N.H. Supreme Court to serve on its Access to Justice Commission. She is a Trustee of the Robert Frost Farm in Derry and an incorporator of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation (Manchester Region). She is serving her third term as Treasurer of the John Lynch for Governor Committee.
Kate�s past service includes: Chair of the N.H. Judicial Selection Commission; Chair of the New Hampshire Bar Association�s Committee on Cooperation with the Courts; Vice Chair of the N.H. Humanities Council; member of the N.H. Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct; Member of Vice President Gore�s Health Care Advisory Committee; Representative to N.H. House of Representatives; Delegate to N.H. Constitutional Convention; Legal Counsel to N.H. Democratic State Committee; Delegate to three Democratic National Conventions.