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Profile of Katherine Roth

Katherine Roth

Assoc. Attorney - Liskow & Lewis
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Company Name : Liskow & Lewis
Company Website : www.liskow.com
Company Address : 701 Poydras St.
Ste. 5000, New Orleans, LA,
United States,
Katherine Roth Profile :
Assoc. Attorney - Liskow & Lewis
Katherine Roth Biography :

Ms. Roth is a member of the firm's litigation practice and she focuses her work on commercial and energy-related issues.Her experience covers both business and energy litigation. In business matters, she has been involved in state and local tax cases, antitrust litigation, federal grand jury matters, transactional disputes, professional liability defense matters and director and officer liability litigation. Her work in energy litigation included landowner/mineral lease disputes and royalty and related litigation.Her accomplishments include:Assisted in obtaining summary judgment on behalf of a non-profit medical center, entitling the client to a refund of ad valorem taxes paid under protest. The judgment was affirmed in full on appeal.With other firm attorneys, secured dismissal of malpractice claims against a major law firm arising from a corporate merger transaction.Ms. Roth served as a law clerk to the Honorable Tom Stagg, District Judge, United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana from 2002 to 2003. She is on the board of directors of the Young Lawyers Section of the New Orleans Bar Association.

Katherine Roth Colleagues :
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